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Class shirt research

Three dimensional geometry under the light is my inspiration of my begining for this project. It is a three dimensional square. Finally I chose triangle as a shape for my final pattern on my clothes showing to the public, because triangle is the most stable shape whether it is in any form, which gives people a warm and safety feeling.  Peaceful and stabilization is my favourite atmosphere, maybe because of my constellation. Yet I chose triangle as my main shape in the middle of my final garment in white. Moreover, all three dimensional objects will be divided into the bright side and the shadow side under lighting, that is why I want to use black and white for my final garment. Also, black and white is the most contrasting colour among all. It will be an extreme visual effect in my final garments. My whole garment wants to express the beauty of peaceful. Please imagine when you wake up on a grassland in front of the sunrise, or listening to the owls under the moon light.

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